Polyc. Encl. 160x160x70mm Blck

Manufacturer: Hammond Manufacturing

Available to order, price TBD

RoHS Compliant: Yes

Minimum Order Quantity (moq): 1

Minimum Packing Quantity (mpq): 1

Best table-price: € 37,3820 each

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Also available at Huijzer Components


257 35A /MTA /ROHS
AUTO Fuse 35A 32V

Zener Diodes

S 10K75 /ROHS
Disk Varistor 120V

Resistive Components

MRS25 4K12 /ROHS
Metal Resistor 600mW 1% 4K12


FSS 0.063 /ROHS
Fuse 5x20 mm 0.063A Slow